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4 Essential Things to Remember When Translating Your Marketing Materials

translation marketing

When translating your marketing materials, it is important to keep a few things in mind. It's important to know who your audience is and to be very specific with your translation team about what your expectations are.


1. Be Selective


It is important to be selective when it comes to your translation team. It is helpful to choose translators who are not only good at translating but who also have a good understanding of what is being translated. Being experts or at least knowledgeable in the subjects they are translating decreases any room for error. It's good to be selective and to even request references or sample work before deciding whether or not a specific translator is the best choice.


2. Provide Necessary Reference Materials


Another thing that you can do to ensure good translation of your marketing materials is to provide reference materials for your translators to work with. It will help them with  the translation. Anything that could help such as brochures, web links, or any other translated materials should be provided if possible. This will help to improve terminology and maintain consistency. It also gives translators a reference point, so they know how to translate material to the extent that is expected of them.


3. Create a Useful Glossary and Style Guide


If you need a lot of materials to be translated, it can be very helpful to create a style guide and glossary. This will help to ensure the high quality that you demand is met to your satisfaction. A glossary that is pre-approved will identify the language choices that a translator can use for translation and will make an excellent starting point. A style guide can help translators to make decisions and will also help to incorporate branding. It will help to include items such as goals, intended perception, grammar, punctuation, and tone. It is a good idea to develop a style and glossary guide before the translation process so that your marketing materials are translated the way that you want them to be.


4. Utilize Transcreation to Your Advantage


Getting transcreation services may be necessary. It can be difficult to translate for marketing content since marketing translation often requires the translation of idioms, figures of speech, and various references. Translating marketing materials can require more conceptual translation, so you want your translation team to convey what your content means accurately.


Correctly translating marketing material is vital to ensuring that communication is not confused or distorted and it may be necessary to educate and provide extra materials for translators to refer to so that they convey the message that you are trying to get across.


Utilizing these five important fundamentals will ensure that you are conveying exactly that you want to and there will be less of a chance of anything getting lost in translation. It will ensure that your marketing translation will have the most impact and will be accurate as well. To know more about translating marketing material, get in touch with us!