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Monthly Archives: August 2020

La creciente tendencia de traducir de inglés a español cubano

La necesidad de traducir el inglés a la variante cubana del español ha crecido tan rápido que a su alrededor ha aparecido una especie de industria amateur de servicios de traducción. Las empresas y los traductores que buscan sacar provecho se han apresurado a ofrecer todos los servicios posibles a aquellos que buscan ingresar al […]

Encontrar una traducción de certificado de matrimonio de calidad

Si bien ninguna agencia o institución gubernamental puede decidir el verdadero significado o la profundidad de su relación, sin un certificado de matrimonio en el idioma correcto, no podrá demostrar que es parte de una pareja legalmente unida.   Es necesario poder demostrar su matrimonio a través de un certificado de matrimonio traducido correctamente para […]

5 Steps to Becoming a Naturalized U.S. Citizen

Becoming a U.S. citizen is a process that requires quite a bit of careful attention and detail. You must fill out the proper forms at the appropriate times, and ensure all additional evidence and payments are being added to your applications. Even small mistakes can cause your naturalization process to be dramatically delayed, or even […]

Understanding the US Naturalization Process

For many, becoming a citizen of the United States is a big step towards a more certain legal and financial future. Citizenship brings with it many benefits for those who obtain it, as well as members of their family, and can provide a multi-generational advantage when it comes to education and opportunities. The process to […]

Bez Maske Güvenli Bir Biçimde Nasıl Kullanılır

Please note The Spanish Group is not affiliated with the CDC and the translations provided were provided as a courtesy. This has been reposted from the CDC’s website:   Download PDF  

Как безопасно носить и снимать защитную маску

Please note The Spanish Group is not affiliated with the CDC and the translations provided were provided as a courtesy. This has been reposted from the CDC’s website: НОСИТЕ ЗАЩИТНУЮ МАСКУ ПРАВИЛЬНО  Перед тем как надеть маску, вымойте руки Закройте маской рот и нос и закрепите ее на подбор Старайтесь надеть маску так, чтобы […]

¿Cómo Usar y Retirarse un Protector Facial de Tela de Forma Segura?

Please note The Spanish Group is not affiliated with the CDC and the translations provided were provided as a courtesy. This has been reposted from the CDC’s website: COLÓQUESE SU PROTECTORDE TELA CORRECTAMENTE Lávese las manos antes de colocarse su protector facial Colóquelo sobre la nariz y la boca y asegúrelo debajo de labarbilla […]

Como Usar e Retirar com Segurança uma Máscara de Pano

Please note The Spanish Group is not affiliated with the CDC and the translations provided were provided as a courtesy. This has been reposted from the CDC’s website: USE SUA MÁSCARA CORRETAMENTE Lave as mãos antes de usar sua máscara Coloque-a sobre o nariz e a boca e prenda-a embaixo do queixo Tente cobrir […]

Comment Porter et Enlever en Toute Sécurité un Masque en Tissu

Please note The Spanish Group is not affiliated with the CDC and the translations provided were provided as a courtesy. This has been reposted from the CDC’s website: PORTEZ VOTRE MASQUE CORRECTEMENT Lavez vos mains avant de mettre votre masque Mettez-le sur votre nez et votre bouche et fixez-le sous votre menton Essayez de […]

كیفیة ارتداء وخلع الكمامة القماشیة بأمان

Please note The Spanish Group is not affiliated with the CDC and the translations provided were provided as a courtesy. This has been reposted from the CDC’s website:   Download PDF